Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.)
Our complete course of study (the Bachelor of Biblical Studies program) is rigorous and demanding. It requires a two-year period of intensive training and study during which students will complete the work requirements for a four-year degree by meeting in class Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, completing homework assignments during the evening, early morning, and on weekends, all throughout four ten-week quarters each year.
The Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.) program is composed of 70 distinct courses, producing 240 credit hours (roughly equivalent to 180 semester hours). The 2400 hours of in-class instruction are supplemented by daily chapel, annual workshops, congregational preaching, podcasting, local evangelism, and both domestic and foreign missions. For more information regarding how we train outside the classroom, see our page on experiential learning.
“There’s a method to our madness.”
Pat McIntosh ’89 (Academic Dean)

Courses with an asterisk (*) are cross-listed.
- Introduction to the Old Testament
- Introduction to the New Testament
- New Testament Church
- General Introduction to the Bible
- Bible Geography and Archaeology
- Denominational Doctrines and World Religions
- Church History
- Restoration Movement History
- Christian Home
- The Godhead
- Spiritual Growth and Development
- English I and II
- Biblical Greek I (Introduction)
- Biblical Greek II (Elementary)
- Biblical Greek III (Elementary)
- Biblical Greek IV (Intermediate)
- Greek Exegesis (*Epistles of John)
- Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
- Homiletics I (Introduction to Public Speaking)
- Homiletics II (Textual Preaching)
- Homiletics III (Topical Preaching)
- Homiletics IV (Special Topics in Preaching)
- Homiletics V (Expository Preaching)
- Homiletics VI (Polishing Skills)
- Teaching Theory
- Teaching Practicum (*1 and 2 Thessalonians)
- Genesis
- Exodus
- Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy
- Joshua, Judges, and Ruth
- History of Israel I and II
- Ezra and Esther (*Narrative Exegesis)
- Nehemiah (*Leadership)
- Job
- Psalms
- Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs
- Isaiah
- Jeremiah and Lamentations
- Ezekiel and Daniel
- Minor Prophets
- Matthew
- Mark
- Luke
- John
- Acts
- Romans
- 1 and 2 Corinthians
- Galatians
- Prison Epistles
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians (*Teaching Practicum)
- Pastoral Epistles (*Life and Work of the Preacher)
- Hebrews
- James, 1 Peter, and 2 Peter
- Epistles of John (*Greek Exegesis)
- Jude (*New Testament Exegesis)
- Revelation
- Apologetics
- General Hermeneutics
- Narrative Exegesis (*Ezra and Esther)
- New Testament Exegesis (*Jude)
- Critical Thinking
- Christian Ethics
- Technology in Ministry
- Singing and Songleading
- Personal Evangelism and Missions
- Getting and Keeping a Job
- Local Program of Work
- Life and Work of the Preacher (*Pastoral Epistles)
- Doctrine and Practice
- Biblical Counseling
- Leadership (*Nehemiah)
- Congregational Evangelism
Our full-time preaching program includes two years of intensive training requiring students to complete 70 unique courses. These include in-depth textual courses, challenging academic courses, and ministry-focused practical courses.
Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a Bachelor of Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Ministry.
Wives’ Program
Because a key ingredient in a preacher’s success is his wife’s spiritual growth, we require certain courses for the wives of all married students in the Ministry track.1 These courses address basic Biblical doctrines, evangelism, Bible class teaching, and home and family life. They have been carefully selected to prepare wives for their role of service and teaching in the church.
Students who complete the wives’ program are awarded a Certificate of Completion.
We begin classes at 6:30pm on Monday nights during school quarters. Unfortunately, we cannot allow children in class, so please provide childcare as needed.
If a woman prefers to study alongside her husband, she may apply for the Bachelor of Biblical Studies (B.B.S.) with an emphasis in Bible Class Instruction. However, some of the wives’ courses have no equivalent in the full-time program and must be taken in exchange for the usual B.B.S. coursework.
Bible Class Instruction
In addition to offering the B.B.S. for preachers, we also offer a modified program for Bible class teachers designed especially for women interested in receiving advanced training in Bible. Students in this program will complete all of the work in the full-time program except for those modifications essential to follow 1 Timothy 2:8-15 and 1 Corinthians 14:34-35.
Students who successfully complete the program are awarded a Bachelor of Biblical Studies with an emphasis in Bible Class Instruction.
- On very rare occasions that a student’s wife is totally unable to participate in the program (e.g., health, family demands, or a job schedule that cannot be changed), students must submit a written explanation to the school administration. We will develop arrangements to accommodate the student’s specific needs. Special short-term arrangements may also be made. ↩︎